Prayer, a tool of the law of success and the law of attraction, is one way to communicate with the Universe, Source, God, Higher Power, Flow, whatever name you give to the Supreme. Prayer aligns you with the deepest part of Self. It moves you into a vibratory frequency more close to what you want and pray for.
Cultivating Faith as your state of Mind is part of The Secret Law of Success # 4B. Tune into the Infinite to develop your faith. Faith doesn’t just happen. It needs to be cultivated. As you develop Faith it can be used to develop more Faith which in turn will tune into the Infinite. You…
Success Secrets: Success is a state of mind Success Secrets are fervently searched for. People often search outside themselves. The truth is that success is a state of mind. Faith is a state of mind. The Law of Attraction tunes into that state of mind. Part of the success secret is to learn that sometimes…
The Secret Key to the Law of Success has the fourth principle of using your applied Faith. Primary to this success secret is faith is a state of mind. This state of mind develops by repeatedly opening your mind to receive from the Infinite, God, Source, the Universe, and your higher Power. The Law of…
The Secret Key to the Law of Success Use of Applied Faith; the 4th secret key to the Law of Success The Secret Key to the Law of Success is that your State of Mind is the most important thing in life. Everything is keyed into your state of mind. Your state of mind is…
The Secret Key to Law of Success # 2 Establish a Mastermind Alliance The Secret Law of Success # 2 is that where two or more of like mind come together with purpose the Universal Flow can support success even more effectively. Napoleon Hill created the idea of a Mastermind Alliance, where all members come…
Prosperity Success Secret to Create Your Day is an excellent way to deepen your use of the law of success. In the last post we reviewed the prosperity success secret of 17 seconds. The process of using visualization to create your coming day is a powerful way to enhance your life, another prosperity success secret.…
Prosperity success secret of 17 seconds has become a much used tool for reaching for quick results. From the Abraham Hicks’ work, comes a process to amplify the law of success. For 17 seconds, pray, meditate, or visualize what you want to occur. This prosperity success secret process aligns yourself with the energy of Source…
Look for signs of Law of Attraction; signs that the Universe is tuned in to you. Sometimes the signs come through intuition. When I first started reading Ask and It is Given, which outlines the laws of attraction, even though one part of me knew it to be true, the critic in me did not.…
Tap your wisdom and enhance your success, wealth, and well being. Successful people are very intuitive. They tap into inner wisdom. They are using the law of attraction. In 1993, I wrote the following “letter” in a process I use to tap into my own wisdom. In a meditative state ,I write a problem (on…