Your state, state of mind, state of being, state of awareness, state of consciousness, is the single most important aspect to your success. If there is conflict in your state, your success is hindered. If you are aligned personal self and Source Self, you are unstoppable.

What Two Ingredients Put You Into Flow?

These last three months, I have not been in Flow. Before I tell you about the two special ingredients of Flow, which I am so glad I remembered I want to tell you my journey. My consciousness has been getting more alert and I feel I can see more. Some truly spectacular things have been…

Positivity a secret of success

Positivity is a powerful secret of success.    People with a millionaire mindset have developed certain qualities of themselves that helps them succeed.  Self –Confidence, the ability to Choose and Act, Perception of Possibilities, Hope, Optimism, the ability to Cooperate with others, Persistence, Perseverance, the ability to deal with adversity, Creativity, Imagination, Intuition,  and Listening to…