Intention and the Law of Success are intricately related. Intention sets the mode of how you interact in the world both your interior world and your exterior world. When you connect with intent, you move into a more proactive way of thinking and being. Intention gives you something to move towards.
When you live your life without a goal or an intention, you are in a more passive state of being, especially inside. When you set an intent, it is as though you gather yourself and focus it towards what you intend. To be successful and cooperate with the Law of Success, you want to be moving in a direction of that which you want.
This may sound subtle, but it is very profound. Let me tell you a story that recently happened but gave me a huge epiphany. Two twenty somethings and two older adults sat together having a conversation about how to make a mobile phone operate. Matthew said “What I don’t understand is why no one is willing to experiment by playing on their phone, nothing bad is going to happen if you press a picture or key.”
The two older adults looked at each other, and at the young couple and said with horror. “We were trained not to play with things, we could mess it up.” A long conversation continued about the differences in the approaches of the two generations towards technology. My generation is afraid to try in the event they may mess things up. Those who grew up with it have fun, engage with curiosity, observe, and are never passive. They interact with it and watch what happens. They learn, they experiment, they try something different. This is a very active process that they are engaged in.
They do not sit in their armchairs waiting for the how to instructions to fall in their lap. They ask questions of themselves like “I wonder what will happen if I do this. I wonder if my camera has this function, where would I go to look? I wonder what this little icon means, let me activate it and see what happens.”
This young couple are active. They have the intent of understanding the tools they are using, having fun with it, and having it serve them at full capacity. My generation possibly has the intent of just getting the thing to act like a phone – a flawed intent at best, because phones are designed to be far more than phones these days.
The intent that one holds when learning to use one’s cell phone drives how the cell phone is used (or not used).
That is how important intent is. It serves as an activator, an initiator of action. When we engage with something, we mobilize the resources inside of ourselves, and the result is going to be success unless we give up. When you just keep going for the goal, you will get there, unless you give up. My generation often gets tired, frustrated and gives up trying to make their phone work. They just do enough to get by.
This observation absolutely unnerved me, and has changed how I interact with my technology now. I don’t want to just get by.
My intent is to be successful. To be successful, I must engage. I must set my rudder that will send me in a direction towards what I want. The Laws of Success demand that you engage.
Set an intention today. This is January of a new year. This year I intend to become more technically sufficient because it will bring me more success and help the people who read my work. What is your intent for this year? I also intend to develop more kindness and caring with people. I intend to make more money this year. I intend to add videos and audios to my website this year. I intend to give more to the people who come to this website by writing books, newsletters, and emails.
We are in new territory in our cultures. I intend to be the best I can be, to give the best of myself that I can, and to help usher in these new ways of being by helping people empower themselves and their lives. Every act counts. What do you intend to do and have this year? Engage the Law of Success in your life by setting intentions.
I intend to finish my vision board this week. I invite you to create a vision board as well. My daughter is going to create a vision board on Pinterest so she will have all the images available on the web. I love that idea.
Find out how to do a Vision Board by clicking here.
Read other entries about Intention.
Burning Desires and Burning Goals access our Intention in a very concentrated form.
Mobilize yourself by setting an intention and move in the direction of what you want by engaging in the Law of Success. Best wishes for your success this year.
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