Burning Desire is an absolute must in order for your desire to come into existence. Burning desire is the first step in manifesting what you want according to Napoleon Hill. Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich right after the Great Depression. He said that the Depression taught us humility, and open-mindedness and opened lots of OPPORTUNITIES. His words are just as true today. What we are experiencing world wide is giving all of us the opportunity to really revisit our burning desires, because now is a time when those desires and dreams can come true. Perhaps not, however, in the old way.
Burning Desire is the first step in the process of Think and Grow Rich. He said that Dreams are the seedlings of your future. Desires have been given negative connotation by our culture, referring to lust, or saying that your desires are never a necessity. Balderdash! Your desires come from the deepest place in yourself. The desires for which you feel a real passion are coming from the Self in you that needs to be expressed as Life flowing through you.
“Be practical, be realistic, don’t dream” say many voices both inside ourselves and people in the ouside world. That’s a surefire recipe for failure to live to your fullest. I have found that our dreams are fragile, and that many people have wrapped away their dreams in such cocoons, that they can’t even remember them because they listen to these skeptical voices. Cocooning and forgetting our dreams contracts you into a smaller and smaller person. We smother the embers of our desires when we forget our dreams.
It may be that you have to take a while to recover your dreams. Read Recognize and Accept Your Dreams for some ways to revisit and recover those dreams. Although not on the list, treasure maps are another possibility. New Year for me is a time when I make a giant poster of my desires, goals, aims for the coming year. I go through magazines, and clip out words, headlines, and beautiful graphics and photos that I may include. This year I made one, and then I needed to make a second treasure map, because I had an epiphany at the end of the year. I had been feeling down, not very energetic, and just the tiniest bit of a victim, and even though I worked very hard, and moved twice last fall, I was really hard on myself. My epiphany came while I sat in the dentist office, waiting for the removal of the last three ‘silver’ (read mercury) fillings. September through December I had over 16 fillings removed and replaced with enamel. The mercury was running havoc on my body.
As I waited to be called into the dentist’s office, I read about the process. There in black and white, were the words that while the fillings are being removed, mercury contamination might be felt more strongly. What if the depression, the energyless state I had been in, the physical feeling bad was not emotional at all, but simply a by-product of having all those fillings removed? My critic had been hard at me.
So I vowed then and there that this year I would work on Self Love, Self Acceptance, and Self Confidence. So another treasure map was created with beautiful pictures, and wonderful words “I love myself.” “Life is Good and getting Better.” By the time I finished creating my map, I had a burning desire to treat myself with the kindness and consideration that I would afford a friend.
What a powerful year it has been. This whole year has been full of gifts, insights, and processes that are helping me exactly to move toward the achievement of that burning desire. Not all of them are pleasant, but the contrast between what I desired and what I was experiencing helped fuel the intensity of the burning desire even more. ‘Contrast’ is a marvelous experience to compel our desires to emerge says Abraham. Contrast is when you are experiencing what you don’t want. It helps you get clear on what you do want.
For the longest time as I read and reread Napoleon Hill, I didn’t know what my desires were. For sure they did not feel like burning desires. These years of reading and studying the laws of success and the law of attraction has taught me that I need to be aware of my dreams, fuel them with burning desire, and turn them into burning goals. Those are the keys to laws of success.
If you can conceive of a desire, wish for it, dream of it, and then it truly can come true for you. The laws of the universe decree it so.
For further reading on this subject read Recognize and Accept Your Dreams, Dare to Dream, Desire Inspirational Quotes and Dream Inspiration Quotes. More is written in our ecourse on Desire. If you would like information about that, please complete the form below, and enter ‘ecourse’ into the message box.