“When you are fully charged, you get more done. You have better interactions. Your mind is sharp, and your body is strong. On days when you are fully charged you experience high levels of engagement and well-being. This charge carries forward, creating an upward cycle for those you care about.” Tom Rath, Are You Fully Charged.
Please come watch Fully Charged movie with us August 22.
Being successful, healthy, happy, and wealthy is the life desire of many people. To gain those results, we put in years of behavior and activity. There’s a new science that looks at how people are doing on a daily basis. Within a given day, people are asked whether they have emotions of happiness, stress, enjoyment, and other experiences. We live our lives moment by moment. Daily well-being is a different kind of success, than measures of life satisfaction (raising your income, your wealth, etc).
When Gallup asked people about their daily experience in 138 countries, Paraguay was the country with the highest “positive experience” score. In fact, four of the top five countries on this daily well-being index were at the bottom of the wealthiest countries list. In contrast, when life satisfaction was measured in the past, the wealthiest countries were at the top of the well-being lists.
What this research proves is that you can have a satisfying life today that gives you meaning, and well-being and a charge of energy without having to be wealthy or live in a wealthy country. More importantly, most of us have more capability to make choices on a daily basis to create meaning and happiness. You have instant results. You feel good today! That radiates out to the world around you, and the people you care about. Taking these small steps lead to small changes and overall life satisfaction. A triple win. These small changes can lead to the long term-outcomes that you want, while experiencing short term daily wins today.
What are the thee keys to energizing your work and your life? This is answered in Rath’s book, and an amazing documentary. We are kicking off our first ever Restore Process movie night club by watching “Fully Charged” the movie on Thursday, August 22, 2019 at 8:00 pm Eastern, and 5:00 pm Pacific. It’s free. Gather your snacks together and watch this wonderful documentary that can inspire you into living an even more amazing life.
What are the thee keys to energizing your work and your life? This is answered in Rath’s book, and an amazing documentary. We are kicking off our first ever Restore Process movie night club by watching “Fully Charged” the movie on Thursday, August 22, 2019 at 8:00 pm Eastern, and 5:00 pm Pacific. It’s free. You are invited to gather your snacks together and watch this wonderful documentary that can inspire you into living an even more amazing life. You can sign up by clicking on Restore Process movie night club.
Visit our August Movie Night page for some fabulous snack recipes and to sign up to participate in our live discussion. If you can’t make it that night, you might want to at least read the book.
The three keys to a full charge for your day are meaning (benefiting another person), interactions (creating more positive than negative moments) and energy (making choices that improve your mental and physical health). You can create a lot more daily well-being in small steady steps. Read Are You Fully Charged ?
What others have said about the movie:
“Every minute of this film is inspirational. The people on whom the film focuses enjoy the benefits of good nutrition, exercise and sleep and are, therefore, fully charged. Many well known professors were interviewed to give their slant on what makes a good life. One fascinating research
project, presented by Nicholas Christakis of Yale demonstrates, by computer imaging, the fact that one person being nice to another or one person eating too much have much broader results than one would imagine. Similarly, the film touches on many lives, even on a beautiful garden on the edge of a highway and its creator.
I did love this film and will watch it often to get my charge.” Amazon Review by Jacqueline
“Fantastic documentary! Fully Charged is captivating, applicable and practical to any audience on how to live an energized healthy life. Throughout the moving it engages the viewer with powerful lifestyle habits that you want and can start right away, This movie is wonderfully written and directed – positive messages throughout and is truly inspiring to live a better life.” Amazon review by C & E Sanchez.