As I review my vision board from last year, I want to be much clearer this coming year about my vision or my goal. To stay in Flow, you need to know where you are going. Directionality is helpful to the Universe to deliver what it is that you want. Building a business? Then you have to be clear. “I want my number of clients to double this year.”
Let’s look at an example. I want to have much better health this year. There are many small steps I need to take to get better health. Dancing, walking, drinking lots of water, leaving sugar out of my diet, getting enough sleep, taking my medications every day, and doing the protocols that my doctors have given me every day is an important step. I need to have the intention of getting more well, I need to vision and imagine my lungs, my digestive system, my bones and muscles, my body getting more fit.
Last year, I didn’t have enough specificity on my vision board about health. I did stop a lot of stress by reducing my reactivity to people and situations. That really helped. I went ten months with having almost no sugar. I lost weight (a side benefit). I look much better. So I made progress.
- 2015 Vision Board
There are other ways I need more progress. I want to expand my beliefs to KNOW that much better health is possible (I am watching movies like “The Living System,” “You Can Heal Your Life,” “Awake,” “What the Bleep.”) I want to be open to the Miracle of Life and Mystery. I want my lungs to be clear, vibrant, able to breathe deeply.
Knowing what you want (with the specific steps you can take), gives your unconscious, the universe, and the universal genies the pictures of what you would like to create in your life. Then it sends you all kinds of synchronicities and opportunities to help you move in that direction.
Last year I had the simple word Dance on my vision board. My pulmonary doctor told me that dance would be very good for me. So with fierce intentionality, I have been going dancing, and taking waltz lessons. I love it. It is fun, and it is helping me build a healthier body. Last night I began my intermediate waltzing class. It was dark, cold, but my intention blazed and kept me going and I never even thought about staying home. Now I want to have that same intentionality about the other things that will give me much better Health.
I have used Health as an illustration 0f one area in my life where I am building fierce intentionality. I am going to post a picture of what last’s year’s vision board looked like. I will take the whole month of January, if I need it, to get even clearer about the topics that I am giving myself as goals for this coming year.
A couple of other blog entries might be helpful for creating Vision Boards
Law of Success Vision Boards
New Year’s Resolutions and Vision Boards
Prosperity Secret of 17 Seconds
Setting Daily Intentions