Goals that help us Burn for Success
Goals that burn inside help us to success. I was inspired a couple of weeks ago to look at goals in a new way. I think a new way of defining a goal is vital to being successful in your life. But first let’s refresh our understanding about goals and desires. Burning Desires converted to Burning Goals give a direction to creating our lives. How are desires and goals critical to success? We have to have something to shoot for. It allows us to ask for what we want from the Universe. And then we get to live it, refine it, or shoot for a new goal.
The Power of Aim
We need to aim in a direction. Dreams, Desires, Goals, Visions, and Life Missions are ways we aim ourselves and our lives. Dreams, Desires, Goals, Vision and Mission also serve to fuel our progress towards the goal. So Goals set a direction, and Burning Goals help fuel our motion towards that Desire.
Two Types of Goals
When we want to be successful, we might want to have very specific goals to ensure our success. Vishen Lakhiani of Finer Minds has identified two types of goals. He says there are two types of goals; means goals and end goals. His recent video describes how easily we get seduced by means goals that society tells us will give us the feelings we want. He says
“End goals are the end result of being human. End goals are about experiencing love, traveling around the world, being truly happy, contributing to the planet and learning new skills.
Means goals are stuff that society tells us we need to have in place to get to happiness, like getting a good GPA, Getting into a good college, getting into a particular firm, being with one particular someone. Getting a good review at work. Money is a means goal.”
The secret to move your life forward towards what you want is identifying your end goals.
Three Important Questions
Vishen says that we can separate everything we want in life (which are end goals) into three buckets; Experiences, Growth and Contributions. To focus on these, he asks three very important questions that can help us identify these aims.
What do we want to Experience before we die?
How do we want to Grow in this lifetime?
What Do we want to contribute back to the planet while we are here?
These three questions are critical to creating lives that are happy and fulfilled according to Vishen. Vishen takes you through a short exercise to identify these end goals in his video which you can watch at Finer Minds on Goals.
Contrast gives us feedback for new goals
The times we are in are pushing us out of our comfort zone. These times are giving us the opportunity (perhaps even pushing us a bit) to look at what we really want in life. These are very exciting times, and can be quite uncomfortable as well. Our discomfort can be very useful in highlighting what we don’t want. When we turn that into a question of “Well what is it I do want?” we feel burning desire that helps us create what we do want. Now we have a goal that we do want that we can shoot for.
Often however, we have identified a means goal which has burning properties. We want to have a certain car, camera, house, or we want more money, because we are so worried about the bills. The problem is that we get so obsessed with these means goals that we forget the end goals.
To make end goals have a burning quality about this, to give us the propulsion power we need, we can look at the burning desire that comes out of the contrast from what our experience currently is and what we want our experience to be. If we are incredibly stressed about money, making the rent or mortgage payment, finding a job, we have to figure out a way to rename our desire in a way that moves us towards our end goal. Perhaps we want the freedom to work in our own company that contributes to people and provides a bountiful life to us and our family.
In my current occupation, I move around a lot. Out of that experience comes a new end goal. I fervently want a home base that allows me to write and contribute. Curiously enough, my past goal was to travel and to have the freedom to paint and write. I asked and I received. I have been writing, and I have been traveling, and I have had the freedom from structure. Now I find I need a little more structure that a home base would give me. And I want it fiercely. I need it for my health. I need it to be able to produce effectively and I need it because of how it will support and give to me.
The universe heard what I asked for, and gave it to me. I have had three years of living like a nomad (to counter those 30 years of being rooted in the upper Midwest). I fiercely wanted it and I received it. It came in a different form that I visualized it, but I received the lifestyle I asked for. Out of these years of traveling, came the experience of packing and moving several times a month. I don’t like that. That’s the contrast highlighting what I don’t like. Now I use what I don’t like to get clearer about what I do want, so that I can ask the Universe to deliver More Please of what I do want. See how it works?
When the discomfort of moving got intense enough, the discomfort gave me a new burning goal. Which fuels the next ask and receive cycle. Of course my making myself bad and wrong for asking for such a lifestyle certainly has slowed things down, but now that I am back on track, I know that I will receive a breakthrough shortly.
We have life experience. When we are uncomfortable, we are in our juiciest place of creation. From what we really don’t like, we can create a burning desire or goal. That desire or goal is the form that we give to the creation which is our life. We ask for this from the Universe. The Universe and our higher self collaborates. Situations and circumstances get drawn into our life. I asked for a traveling, nomad lifestyle of writing. It took a bit but I received it.
When we live in this new experience, as I did in my three years of traveling and writing, we get more grist for the mill by the contrast that comes out of our experience. We get to refine our goal, dream or desire, to more accurately reflect what we want. Then we ask, let go, and receive again. It’s the continual dance of creation.
Blessing to you as you identify your own life goals. Go listen to the 13 minute video by Vishen. Continue to build those lists of end goals. Below are some resources to reflect more on dreams, vision, and burning desire.
Dare to Dream
Burning Desire
Recognize and Accept Dreams
Dreams and Survival Thinking
New Years Resolutions (Vision Boards)
Setting Daily Intention
Vision and the Laws of Success
Goal Setting and Three Important Questions Video from Finer Minds