Shift your State when you are sending conflicting vibrations into the Universe. Your state of being is what you are offering the world vibrationally. Your state of being is what you are attracting to you. If you have gotten stuck in an identification, then you attract circumstances that match the feelings and beliefs of that identification.
For example when I was traveling, I ran out of money one year, and went to stay with my sister. She had hoped I was going to rescue her, and got very angry that I wasn’t willing to buy into her farm. She became cruel and abusive. I had a broken leg and was out of money, and felt vulnerable. I slipped into an earlier identification of feeling like I was a victim. As I went back to work, the victim mentality stayed with me, and I attracted not one, but two bosses who were also abusive. I was in a victim state.
That’s the way Law of Attraction works. Like attracts like. I felt abused. I got more of the same. Actually my sister was an angel in disguise because she helped bring out an area (an identification) that needed to be cleaned up in me vibrationally. My victim identification never believes there will be enough, contrary to the fact that I have lived a good life in wonderful places.
The gap between Source Self in me and Victim self is a pretty wide chasm. The two vibrational points in me, or you, send very differing messages into the Universe which are in conflict with each other. It is hard to manifest dreams, when a victim part of self is sending out victim vibrational offerings. Yesterday we talked about Understanding Your State.
Bridging the Gap
Traditions have used prayer, meditation, and contemplation as a way to bring our state of being into peace and harmony inside. These traditions help us bridge between Soul and Self, between Self and Universe, between Self and God. It helps us shift states, move out of a stuck point inside, and become more fluid.
Telling a new story, Imagining our success, 17 seconds, thinking accurately, focusing on what we want, not on the ‘what is’ are also ways to change states.
Recognize, Accept, Compassionately Choose, Center, Act.
These are the basic steps to change your state. Recognize where you are identified. Accept that this is where you are. Have compassion with yourself. You are where you are. This identification served you at one time. Have gratitude for what it gave you then. Take a step back. Take a breath. Now, remember that you are more than this identification. You have a center. You can choose to move to that center. You can choose to act from that center.
Often if you can understand what’s going on, you can step away from the confusion and the turmoil into a more centered place. Congratulations, you just raised your vibration. You just upleveled your identification. You just changed your state.
For a lovely easy example of holding a question see Meditation and Manifestation.
Thanks for stopping by.
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