Your state usually is what drives your feelings and your thoughts. Your state is what you offer to the Universe vibrationally. Your state is what determines your success. Your state is what you are attracting to yourself.
Your state is often determined by habit, and where you hang out inside yourself. It is where you identify yourself.
Source Self
The great minds of our world tell us that we are Source extended into the physical as this personality. Napoleon Hill, Emmett Fox, Ernest Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Myrtle and Charles Fillmore, Wallace Wattles, Abraham Lincoln, Deepak Chopra, Abraham and Ralph Waldo Emerson are just some who give us this message. Psychosynthesis and Carl Jung call this our Self. Some call it our Soul.
So we have this aspect of ourselves that is Source Self. Many of us don’t recognize this aspect of self, or identify with this State of Self.
Personality Self
Within our personality are many differing aspects. As we grow up, we develop patterns to respond to the challenges we meet as we grow. These patterns are a state of being, and often are an identification all their own. How many of us developed a Pleaser self, or a Rebel self, or a child self, or an inner critic and judge? Maybe you developed a Victim, A Rescuer, or a Perpetrator self. Most people who live on the planet have experienced one aspect if not all aspects of the Victim, Rescuer, and Perpetrator triangle. Psychosynthesis calls these various identifications, Subpersonalities. Guided Imagery, Voice Dialogue and journaling are a few ways to gather insights into these patterns.
What’s tricky about these different states is that there is more than one, and they often are triggered by some circumstance. Each identification has its own way of seeing the world, its own thinking pattern, its own beliefs, and its own feelings. When I was a little girl, I was hurt by an adult who I trusted, and there’s a part of me that responded by growing lots of armor. In an imagery session, I saw this part as a Reptilian Warrior whose sole purpose was to protect the innocent girl. My Reptilian Warrior sees the world very differently than the mature adult me. Adult me, Reptilian Warrior, and Inner Critic all respond very differently to pain. These aspects of self are a far cry from Source self.
Where are you identified?
Know your self has so many meanings. Recognizing your state is important. Many of us are not aware of these aspects of self that take control of our personality and drive our bus! My Skeptic loves to drive my bus, and does not trust the Universe. It does not believe in a Source Self. If my Victim or my Skeptic are where I am hanging out, imagine what my vibrational offering is to the world! (Click here for more info)
Where we are identified is our current state. Most of us have a couple of identifications with which we are most comfortable. Most of us have some role, like being a parent, or our job role at work, where we spend our time. Then something may stimulate us to fall into an earlier aspect of self, like our boss may be unfair, or a friend forgets and tells one of our secrets, or money crunches occur. Then the younger more survival aspects of ourselves can have a field day.
The Gap
Abraham talks of the gap between our two points of vibration. The difference between how Source Self sees a situation and how our current personality self sees a situation is often a huge gap. If you are in an identification, such as victim that does not believe there will ever be enough, there is a wide chasm between that belief and what Source Self sees.
This conflict inside our own Being is usually what stops us from being successful and attracting the things we desire.
Tomorrow we will talk about ways to bridge this gap and shift states.
Thanks for stopping by.
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