If you have been reading this blog for long you know I have spent years committed to helping others be successful. At the end of this entry are a few gifts that I hope you enjoy; a thank you for being a reader here at ofsuccesslaw.
Dear reader, I am so excited to share with you my new venture over at RestoreProcess.com. We are creating a whole new way to inspire you and interact with you. One of my ofsuccesslaw readers has been collaborating with me to provide inspiration, support, education, coaching and to build a community around success and wellbeing.
Please go over to www.restoreprocess.com and check out the site, and have fun with it. We were all born originally with a self of unlimited potential. Somehow while we were growing up, we learned to close down aspects of ourselves. The Restore Process has been created to affirm that it is possible to return to that original state of being that we are born into. It is never too late to restore yourself to the fullness of your own being. Read more about it at Why Restore? My individual coaching and later web classes will be one venue for utilizing the Restore Process.
We were born to be creators, and our own life is our biggest creation. Most of us did not receive an operations manual, and we’ve been doing the best we can in this life. It is possible to really amp our efforts in many ways. An e-course I have created called Create Your Life: Your Treasure Map to Wellbeing is a structured approach to creating a map to your personal wellbeing and success.
Bingeworthy: Book Club and Movie Nights!
Nisha developed this fabulous page called BingeWorthy. We have a book club night, a movie club night, and a super reading list. She includes recipes for snacks and spritzers for our movie and book rendezvous. It’s just so fun. IT’S FREE! How cool! Want to join us reading a quick book full of inspiration and down to earth ideas for our first book club where we can read then gather to talk about it? Our first book club meeting night is August 28, 5:00pm Pacific Time. View our book selection and sign up here. Those snacks look heavenly, Nisha!
We have an amazing documentary to watch on August 22, our first ever movie night! Please don’t miss watching this movie, and then our discussion afterward at 5pm Pacific time. Fully Charged has been developed from the book Wellbeing by Tom Rath. It is inspiring and gives you wonderful ideas to implement in your life to help you be healthier and full of wellbeing. You will be surprised by how these ideas are being implemented in the military and in some companies to support good health and wellbeing. I can’t wait to hear what you think about this movie.
About Anna
I have shared little with you about my background on this website. That is remedied on RestoreProcess.com in About Anna. It’s illuminating.
Of course? How could I have any website without having a way to share with you what I learn and know? There are already four treasures over there just waiting to be read by you. One of them is critically important. Thresholds Guardians are met along one’s journey to success and wellbeing. Don’t miss reading this.
Free Gifts too!
For you success hounds 🙂 I have written two free resources. Success Portfolio is a fabulous tool to use whenever you interview, apply for financing, and so forth. The sense of confidence you build by creating such a binder is invaluable.
Introducing yourself is a critical moment in every new relationship. You can open the door to more depth by creating Elevator Speeches for your social encounters, a romantic partner, and of course your career. Please go and get these free gifts now!!!!!
That’s all for today – but that’s a whole lot. Spend some time over at Restoreprocess.com. Sign up for the movie night, and the book club and get your free gifts. Thank you for being a reader here on this blog. I will continue here, yes. But you do not want to miss what I will be doing there.
P.S. Technical hint for those like me who didn’t understand what hamburgers were doing on web pages. When you view web pages on your phone or tablet, or a small screen, the website collapses the top navigation menu bar into three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the screen. When you click on that “hamburger” of three bars, the navigation menu will show up. Also in my blog entries on this site, I usually make my links to somewhere else on the web open in a different browser page so that you can go back and forth, and not lose your place. In the sample picture below, there are three browser pages open. By clicking on those tabs, you can go back to where you were before.